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Sunday, January 31, 2010

bahasa kureng2.. ks2

words ary niey base on entry y tergediks2 kat bwh noh.. so, terjah jewp enty tuh.. sila2..


1 : sakai
>> peteh pale or pukul part of body xpecially kepale..

2 : meraban
>> karut lagik mengarut

3 : cibai lu
>> pale hotak a.k.a waklu.. same jerk..

4 : cikaro
>> pelacur, pompuan murahan { bukan lelaki oke }

krriiinngg!! *bunyi bell*.. sesi un9 klass dh tamat!! sume bole tr0skan keje masing2 balek.. hohoho.. ^_^

pesanan dr penaja :
jangan gune words kat atas tuh untuk kegunaan y tidak pat0t yer.. juz nak kongsi2 ngn korunk, mne la tao korunk kne embush ngn word2 tuh ker.. xde la korunk mengagau carik makna dia weehh.. :)

" renung2 lah dan slamat beramal.. hak3.. ^_* "

my heart beats juz for u...
SecubitNota; Sharing is Caring, TAPY kalau nak copy entry wa, bgtau eh.. Paling terok pong wa makan hati jerk.. :)

story disebalik mybank..

sambungan from dis entry.. check dis out -------->> REFRESH PLIS!!

skali tgok ase cm biase jer kn, tenyeh2 ckit mate tuh!! ekceli banner to peliks skit.. 'A' kne telan bumi plak?? pat0tnya maybank lorh..

naper nuff tuh kuarkan banner ngarut2 niey ?? e2 bkn banner dr nuff lorh.. ekceli, korunk2 dh menjatuhkan ke'pemes'an c nuff to wehh.. pas niey kompom xde y nak klik nuff dh!!

" ..so, blog sesaper y kuar iklan nuff akan di-CHOP as a nuff liar.. "

lantak la korunk nak gune banner per pown, tapi jgn la g letak betul2 tas link nuff tue cik oii.. korunk gune taktik kot0r yer, bub korunk dh tawu kompom akan de y klik banner tipu tue including ME!! s0b3.. niat HATY nak t0l0ng, tapi been cheated again.. shit!!

korunk bengang messy publish sal mende alah nih ekk?? d0 i care h0ney?? dis my bl0g, so i'll do wat eva i want.. oky wif dat?? bub i know, de gak y lyke me.. eklass nak t0long TAPY tertipu lorh..

ermm, post nie bkn nk aib kn orng but nk alertkn c baek aty cm messy dari tertipu.. hak3.. *angkat bakol sendiri oke!!* no touching2!! kalu touching2 gak, amik sume..


my heart beats juz for u...
SecubitNota; Sharing is Caring, TAPY kalau nak copy entry wa, bgtau eh.. Paling terok pong wa makan hati jerk.. :)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

tenet y sunggoh sipot sedot!!

sory sgt2 bub xdpt nk jejak blog korunk2 y dh menepek kat sini today..

afta 15 min pown still ta load.. messy juz dpt klik nuff korunk jewp.. nak tinggal jejak, hammpeeehh!! sungguh sipot weehh.. ak tampo gak line tenet nih!! adoyai.. ampun!!

nih pown gagah gak posting, takut korunk ch0p messy blogger y paling teruk.. sob3.. sory sgt2 tao.. messy try my best kunjung blog korunk key.. thnx tinggalkan jejak yerr.. :)

my heart beats juz for u...
SecubitNota; Sharing is Caring, TAPY kalau nak copy entry wa, bgtau eh.. Paling terok pong wa makan hati jerk.. :)

Friday, January 29, 2010

shrimp hearties KFC~~


* 2 spicy chicken
* 2 whiped potato
* 2 shrimp nuggets
* 1 L cheesy wedges

walaweehh!! kali nie try shrimp hearties kfc.. alaa2 western lak nam0 dia eeehh.. shrimp2 gtue.. kasik A++ la kat shrimp tuh.. bub isi udang dia mmg tip t0p!! tahap bole telen kire okey la kn.. ngeh3..

sape nak angkat kening pat!! nak c0unting2 nih!! hak3.. s0, sape y minat nak mkn shrimp2 niey, bole la yewp berkunjung d kfc y terdekat y0!!

1 set : rm 10.90
tahap kekenyangan : 24 jam
temp0h kebasi'an : n0 k0men

slamat men-t0rai yewp!! t dh bli, tapau for me sat0 set oke.. :)

my heart beats juz for u...
SecubitNota; Sharing is Caring, TAPY kalau nak copy entry wa, bgtau eh.. Paling terok pong wa makan hati jerk.. :)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

bengkang gandum idaman jantung.. :)

ko tgok weehh.. bengkang gandum y xbape melet0p pown!!

kat penang diorng pnggil bengkang gandum.. tempat korunk kompom,

"bingka tepung"

kan2?? tapi bingka mak t0k tak bape sedap lorh!! sob3.. ase tawar2 kuku gtue.. ahakss!! tok i wat lagik sedap mehh!! bluekss..

kalu de y tingin nak try, tayah malu2 kucing nk terjah link y kedip2 kat bwh tuh!! jemput ramai2 noh!! :)


>> mak tok tuh kwn tok i.. hak3.. ^_^

my heart beats juz for u...
SecubitNota; Sharing is Caring, TAPY kalau nak copy entry wa, bgtau eh.. Paling terok pong wa makan hati jerk.. :)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

lakonan nuff..

shempoi x tajuk entry nie?? sume idea Mis'Eyes wehh.. haaa.. try korunk zo0m in out pitca kat bawah to..

so, pe pendapat korunk yunk2?? aper y ta kene ngn banner kat atas tuh?? jom kodek2 sesame.. kasik pendapat korunk pat!!

:: closing date ::

27 JAN 2010

hak3.. sawan vavi datang menyerang sudaa.. alaa2 contest lak.. vanga2!!


juz publisity mahai u.. nak terjah dotdotdot disebalik banner tuh.. nak tawu answer??


next entry oke?? boleh yer.. nak polish mind korunk to.. t berkarat lak.. mwwwuuaaahhh.. :)

>> ekceli i'm to angry weehhh!!!!! :(

my heart beats juz for u...
SecubitNota; Sharing is Caring, TAPY kalau nak copy entry wa, bgtau eh.. Paling terok pong wa makan hati jerk.. :)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

tertipu lagik.. :(

" advertisement r not allowed "
especially at shoub0x y terhegeh2 kat sidebar tue.. bub rmai y tertipu including tuan tanah kat sini, MisMessy.. sob3..

ye la.. korunk menapak kt sini, jadik tgjwb tuan tapak singgah balik terit0ry korunk to.. sedes weh bile klik, kuar mende2 alah niey..

cube korunk ckp cm niey.. " tolong klik DW ye, tengs.. " kompom messy klik.. adoyai.. ingt orang aty hulk ker?? xde la kejam weehh..

mama messy slalu pesan, "wany rajin tulun orng nescaya akn ditulun balek.."

pesan mama kompom2 messy ikut weehh.. kalu nak soh klik, juz gtao.. tayah berselindung disebalik shoutb0x kerdil tue..
okeyp?? :P

my heart beats juz for u...
SecubitNota; Sharing is Caring, TAPY kalau nak copy entry wa, bgtau eh.. Paling terok pong wa makan hati jerk.. :)

gilakk betul.. ta ingt MATY erk??

mase tengah menerjah ke blog PrincessRedBloodSnow, trus ditarik messy cam magnet ab0ut sato posting nih..

*z0om inn..

post entry y dibulat lel0w tuh.. mara sungg0h sys niey.. sebagai blogger y prihatin, messy pown menerjah komen2 y tersurat n tersirat bout post entry tuh..

found dis, link y dh mencetuskn kemarah sys niey.. agagagaga.. tanak mara yewp k.zie.. t messy sakai minachi tuh.. *bile smpai indon yewp.. :)

bende dh de dpn mate, terjah jer la.. kne updated-kn diri niey.. seyes weehh.. terkedu tr0s bile masuk link tuh.. ekceli nak kodek2 jewp.. tapy kn.. NAUZUBILLAH.. penghinaan y terlampau..

aisehmen!! ta de keje k0wt minah ind0n niey nak kutuk2 AGAMA ISLAM ak weeh.. seb bek ko tinggal kat INDON, kalu x.. siap sedia la ko wehh.. ak b0m trus umah ko tuh.. marah niey!!

kalu yer pon nak tinggkat kn traffic blog ko y meraban tuh, tayah la nak kutuk2 sal AGAMA niey.. "ko cite la sal ko suke mer0yan ke, ko de sawan babi ke, ko suke wat histeria ke.." nih ta.. pesal agama ak y jadik mangsa nih!! babun BINTI bengap la ko weeh!! cibai lu!!

mmg dh tahap ta boley blah!! seyes weh.. kalu korunk nak kutuk2 messy, i dun care.. tapi b0ut famili, pwenz n my agama.. ko jgn wat hal.. pantang tok nek weehh.. dasat la!! shitt!! ak dpt ko, kompom se-zarah ak ta tinggal!!

"tulun sgt2 kepada sume y anggap ini sato penghinaan terhadap ISLAM, korunk report/hack blog cibai tuh.. kite sebagai umat silap wajib pertahankan agama kita.. plisss.. sob3.. tercabar wehh.. nak puipui cikar0 tuh panjang sangat nak mel0l0ng.. so, report/hack jer termampu.. kalu face 2 face, lumat dia weehh.. serraanngg!!

my heart beats juz for u...
SecubitNota; Sharing is Caring, TAPY kalau nak copy entry wa, bgtau eh.. Paling terok pong wa makan hati jerk.. :)

Monday, January 25, 2010

PDC interbiew esok..

terkedek2 tadik carik offer letter interbiew s0k.. agaggagaga.. gerun tahap merenk dh niey.. pe kes lorh.. terketar2 cm nak amik spm pulak.. adoyai.. sok wehh date interbiew 2.. OMG.. "@#@#$@%@$!%$$"

* klik gamb0 untuk tumbesaran yg melet0p!!

smpai terblur pulak pix tue.. huk3.. sawan b**i menyerang sudaa nyah oii.. mampos den wehh.. first time nak interbiew kje goverment niey.. seyes wehh xtawu lngs0ng sal interbiew2 goverment.. d0yaii.. *bub um0 baru setua jagung.. angkat bakul sendiri lak.. :P

isi kandungan offer letter tue..

tarikh : 26 january 2010
masa : 9 pagi
tempat : dotdotdot *panjang la plak nak tulih.. ngeh3..

so, tugas korunk2 y dh menyinggah kat blog niey wajib doakan sumenyer berjalan lancar yer.. plish.. heeee.. gracias yer.. tayunk korunk ketat2 la weeh.. *_^

>> memang dh tahap babun mer0yan dh niey..
seyes wehh.. lagik nerv0s dari jwb sPm dulu..
amiinn.. :)


my heart beats juz for u...
SecubitNota; Sharing is Caring, TAPY kalau nak copy entry wa, bgtau eh.. Paling terok pong wa makan hati jerk.. :)

nuff y semakin melet0p!!

rutin awal miggu, check nuff earning lilacmessy lorh.. naseb baek naek.. mmg go0d la.. dushdush!!

dah naek!! yippiiee.. better darik miggu lepas weehh.. :)

LAST WEEK <---- earning for last week..

at least xde la lilacmessy niey menyepi jewp.. e2 tandeny de gak visit0r u.. e2 y penting, bukan c nuff to.. *AYAT TA BLEY BLAH TUL.. tolong menolong kn amln mulia.. i lyke.. agagagagga..

tenkiu2.. toce2.. for korunk2 bub kasik full komitmen for me nak tr0skan berblogging nie.. :D

korunk mmg shemp0i la weehh.. *_^

my heart beats juz for u...
SecubitNota; Sharing is Caring, TAPY kalau nak copy entry wa, bgtau eh.. Paling terok pong wa makan hati jerk.. :)

tangkap felling.. :'(

Boy: Baby we need to talk..

Girl: Kyle, what do you mean?

Boy: Something has come up..

Girl: What? Whats wrong? Is it bad?

Boy: I dont want to hurt you baby

Girl: *Thinks to herself.*
Oh my God, I hope he doesnt break up with me, I love him so much..

Boy: Baby are you there?

Girl: Yeah, im here, what's so important?

Boy: I'm not sure if I should say..

Girl: Well you already brought it up, so please, just tell me.

Boy: I'm leaving..

Girl: Baby what are you talking about? I dont want you to leave me, i love you..

Boy: Not like that, I mean, I'm moving far away.

Girl: Why? All of your famliy lives over here.

Boy: Well my father is sending me away to a boarding school, far away.

Girl: I can't believe this..

Father: ERIKA, what did I tell you about talking to boys?! Get off the damn, phone! *He hangs up*

Boy: Wow, your father sounds really mad.

Girl: You know how he gets, but anyways, I don't want you to go..

Boy: Would you run away with me?

Girl: Baby, you know I would, I would do anything for you, but i cant... You don't know what would happen if I did. My dad would kill me.

Boy: It's okay, I understand I guess..

Girl: *Thinks to herself.*
I can't believe whats going on..

Boy: I need to give you something tonight because I am leaving on flight 1-80 in the morning, so I need to see you now.

Girl: okay, I will sneak out & meet you at the park.

Boy: okay, I'll meet you there in twenty minutes.

(They meet, and he hands her a note)

Boy: Here you go, this is for you, but I gotta go.

Girl: *tear*

Boy: Baby dont cry, you know I love you.. But I have to leave..

Girl: Okay..

(They go home, and she reads the note)

And it said;


You probably already know that I'm leaving, I knew this would be better if I wrote a letter explaining the truth about how much I care about you. The truth is, is that I never loved you, I hated you so much, you are my bitch, and dont you ever forget that. I never cared about you, and never wanted to talk to you, or be around you. You really have no clue how much I hate you. Now that I'm leaving, I thought you should know that I hate you, bitch, you never did anything right, and you were never there. I didn't think I could hate someone as much as I hate you. And I never want to see you, for the rest of my life, I will never miss kissing you like before, I'll never want to cuddle up, how we used to. I will not miss you and that's a promise. You never had my love, and I want you to remember that. Bitch, you keep this letter because this may be the last thing you have from me. I hate you so much. I will not be talking to you soon bitch. Goodbye..
- Kyle

(She cry's, and cry's, then throws the note away)

--A day passes, she is sad, depressed and she feels so lonely.Then she gets a phone call--

Friend: How are you feeling?

Girl: I just can't believe this happend, I thought he loved me.

Friend: Oh.. About that. Kyle left me a message. A few days ago. He told me to tell you to look in your jacket pocket or something.

Girl: Uh. Alright.

(She find's another note, in it, it says;)

Baby I hope you find this before you read my letter. I knew your father might read it, so I switched a few words...

Hate = Love

Never = Always

Bitch = Baby

Will not= Will

I hope you didn't take that seriously, because I love you with all my heart, and it was so hard to let you go, thats why I wanted you to run away with me..


Girl: Oh my God. It's a letter, Kyle does love me! He must of slipped it into my pocket, when he hugged me. I cant believe how stupid I am!

Friend: *giggles* Okay. Well I gotta go, talk to you later.

Girl: Okay, bye. I'll be at home waiting for him to call me!

*Erika turns the T.V. on*

[Breaking news] "An airplane has crashed. Over 47 young boys died, we are still searching for Survivors- this is a tragedy we will never forget, this plane was flight 1-80. It was on its way to an all boys boarding school.." Reporter says.

(She turns off the TV, and three days later, kills herself. Of the fact that Kyle is dead, and she has nothing else to live for)

-A day after that the phone rings. Nobody answers. It was Kyle, he called to leave a message.-

"Its Kyle, I guess your not home so, I called to let you know that I'm alive, I missed my flight because I had to see you one last time. So I hope your not worried. I am staying for good. Sorry if you got scared, I promise to make it up to you, everything will be okay, I love you so much.. Call me as soon as possible. Bye, love."

weehhh.. nangis o0o.. :'(.. 0rang curik dari bulitin member tadik.. s0, kepade pencintan2 skalian.. tanak wat keputusan terburu2 y0.. pkir dulu.. kalu x.. k0mp0m nyesal weeehh..

my heart beats juz for u...
SecubitNota; Sharing is Caring, TAPY kalau nak copy entry wa, bgtau eh.. Paling terok pong wa makan hati jerk.. :)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

REDDISH CONTEST : Nama Utk Amoi Merah

weehhh.. tetibe messy rase gian lak nak ngarut bagai niey.. so, messy pown bertekad nak join da first contest for me.. ngeee..

teraju utama

nampak x amoi kat atas tue?? haaa... dats the model la weh.. cian xder name u.. seperti kehendak empunya amoi, soo ni name y messy ngarutkan tue.. heeee.. :P

first choice..

" CHiKASU a.k.a CHiKA "

CHiKASU name panjang.. CHiKA to name manje yerrr... *suke aty plak panjang pendek*.. jgn mara noh k.zie.. *_^

second choice..


simple n available gtue.. ngeeee..

bg messy, 22 name to memang semp0i n have their own meaning.. messy ta harap jadik winner tapi harap jadik contestent y berjaya!!.. chaiyok2x!!!

kepade sesaper y berminat nak join contest PrincessRedBloodSnow, teramatlah dialu~alukan.. jgn lupe bace T&C b4 join key!!~~


<< JANUARY 28th >>

my heart beats juz for u...
SecubitNota; Sharing is Caring, TAPY kalau nak copy entry wa, bgtau eh.. Paling terok pong wa makan hati jerk.. :)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

snack plate lagik..

dinner malam niey melantak snack plate.. huk3.. jemu d0h makan.. tapy y 2 jer terase nak makan pown.. bole kire korunk, bulan niey dh lebey dari biase k0 ak melantak kfc.. slalu sebulan pown jarang jewp.. kali niey, bole dikatakan sebulan lebeh 2 3 kali jamu kfc..

as usual, snack plate la weh y mampu ditelan pown.. agagagaga.. 2 whiped potat0 lak tue.. tamak ko ak niey.. ngeh3.. k0mp0m kemb0ng per0t makan!! kenyang sampai pagi la jawabnya.. :)

seyes weh.. makan tadik cost only ab0ut rm23 jewp.. including my sys oder, 1 set zinger t0wer.. mmg budget gtue.. hakhakhak.. tapy kan, korunk better tayah try pown zinger tuh bub ase dia hampeeehhh!! blueekksss!! ase cm limau purut campur mende tah.. l0ya2..!!

messy mmg reject tr0s r zinger t0wer tuh.. not my taste oke.. agagagagaga.. *_^

my heart beats juz for u...
SecubitNota; Sharing is Caring, TAPY kalau nak copy entry wa, bgtau eh.. Paling terok pong wa makan hati jerk.. :)

bahasa minang, n9.. ks1

sape dh ngendap, wajib blajo bahase minang key.. agagagaga.. suke bapak jewp nak pakse2 0rang.. **padehal homet0wn penang**.. gara~gara kene embush wif some0ne tadik, sume wajib belaja yer.. no T0lak2 key!! ngeh3..

w0rd 4 today is..

nampak x?? sungguh tidak sopan yer.. ye ke?? nak ckap ngn kengkawan, n0 hal.. tapy, jgn cakap ngn sesape y tangkap felling yerr!! kal0 x, free2 jer korunk kne kutbah lyke me oke.. s0b3..

cth dot dot dot..

q : suk0 aty den la y0!
a : suka aty aku la ye!

haaa.. nmpak x?? bile cakap bahase minang sedap jerr dgr.. bile gune translat0r, k0mp0m2 panas tinga uu.. s0, bcareful wif w0rd.. mulai skrunk, sume bahase nak stadi.. tanak de silap lagik!!

sekian 4 t0day.. mwwwuuaaahhh.. :P

my heart beats juz for u...
SecubitNota; Sharing is Caring, TAPY kalau nak copy entry wa, bgtau eh.. Paling terok pong wa makan hati jerk.. :)

Friday, January 22, 2010

bout january 21.. :)

hapy burfday 2 u,
hapy burfday 2 u,
hapy burfday 2 yu2,
hapy burfday 2 u...

*nyanyi kuat2 key*

ko tgok, kek p0wn dh macam puzzle noks.. dah sawan SNOW white lak yu2 niey.. ape barang.. huhuhu.. bukan tanak snap pix burfday gurl.. tapy..

.. keadaan burfday gurl agak kureng ckit yerR tuan2 puan2.. berpunca darik terkejutzz ko tg0k kek tuh.. ngeeeee.. :P

as usual, bile burfday sape2 jerk mst s0me0ne nie pown nak tumpang glamor..

sape lagik.. adik mika 'g0mbacek' la weeh.. berangan jadik burfday b0y t0o.. hakhakhak.. ye la ko, burfday dia bulan 7 lambat lagik.. s0, tgah practise fr0m n0w la.. ngeeee.. g0d j0b mika.. aiseehh!!

FOR YU2 >> hapy burfday yunk2.. s0ry k.wany ta kasik present bub ayu suke jerit2 kt k.wany.. ngeh3.. :P

my heart beats juz for u...
SecubitNota; Sharing is Caring, TAPY kalau nak copy entry wa, bgtau eh.. Paling terok pong wa makan hati jerk.. :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010


korunk ingat x cite sal puzzle niey?? kalu x, PUZZLE <------- SILA2 yer.. :P

"meh usha ckit aper dlm k0tak puzzle harge rm45.00 niey.. ader belian kowt.. ngeee.."

it0 dia.. kepingan puzzle y sungg0h berlungguk uolls.. 250 keping weehh.. xtra vaganza KO.. ptt la yu2 reject puzzle to.. terkebil2 dia tungging terbalik puzzle to bub nak pasang taw.. memandangkan kudrat yu2 ta kesampaian, s0 messy jela amik alih key.. biar y pakar JER settle kn.. pphheewwitt..!!

afta 30 minit, bingkai jewp y kitorng *messy n sista* mampu siapkan laaa.. kuciwa2.. sob3!! sungg0h darurat niey.. gilakk gaban la ko!! ta bley blah tull.. berpel0h2 messy.. tapi still tetap ta give UP u!!

amacam, terer x?? minit y ke 50, baru nmpak idung snow white ngn orng kerdilnya.. ngeee.. soka2..!!! mmg berpinar2 sungg0h.. betul2 test my iQ y dh berkarat niey..!! dsyt tul!.. ma0 jer campak sume2 t0 lam l0ngkang!!

pas 1 jam 30 min.. tulun!! tinggal part kaen snow white jewp y ta siap lagik!! paling2 dhsyt!! bub sume keping puzzle nmpak same!! adoyai.. merenk sudaa.. *_*

..tpy cm ta besh la giveup2.. pe lagik, try n er0r la jawabnya.. 30 min baru complete n hasilnya..



siap suda.. 2 hours weehh.. tapy still gorgeeees!!!! brav0000 messy.. im da best lorh.. berjaya jgk ak!! toce2x..

so, ade bran x?? meehh chalen, sape kalah kne hukum pasang sorunk2 100x.. ngeee..~~ tapy besh lorh skali~skala iburkan aty.. dr menghadap jer screen niey.. l0tehkan mat0 jer.. :P

my heart beats juz for u...
SecubitNota; Sharing is Caring, TAPY kalau nak copy entry wa, bgtau eh.. Paling terok pong wa makan hati jerk.. :)